Success Stories
Luke & Owen’s Story
So many children struggle with academics and test taking. Sometimes it’s simply a undiagnosed visual issue. Here are two great success stories. We were lucky enough to interview Luke’s mother and Owen’s mother. If your child struggles with reading, learning or even paying attention listen to what these mothers have to say.
Camille’s Story
Before I came to West Suburban Vision Therapy, I was at my routine eye exam when the optometrist noticed I had a vision problem. My parents were concerned because I sat very close to the TV and seemed to be accident prone. I started playing basketball and baseball around this time but my depth perception needed improvement in order for me to play better.
After completing vision therapy, I have greater depth perception and my balance has gotten better so I am not nearly as clumsy. I no longer sit as close to the TV because I am better able to see far away. I am more interested in sports and can dribble the basketball and hit the baseball with more accuracy. I feel more self confident and in control of my body.
Alejandro’s Story
Before I started coming to West Suburban Vision Therapy, my eyes would easily fatigue and hurt when I tried to complete my schoolwork and homework. I would get headaches when I spent an extended amount of time on the computer, my phone, or reading a book. Due to my difficulty with eye tracking, I strongly disliked reading in front of my peers at school. All of these struggles made me feel exhausted and frustrated.
After completing my vision therapy program, my therapists and I have worked hard to resolve my eye pain and fatigue. I can now watch TV and read for however long I want without experiencing any adverse symptoms. Unlike before, I am better able to stay focused while completing my schoolwork. I am more confident when reading aloud and have been told I read more smoothly. I would definitely recommend vision therapy to others!
James’ Story
Before I started coming to West Suburban Vision Therapy, I was struggling with reading and understanding what I had read. It was hard for me to comprehend the material, and my tracking abilities needed to improve. My referring optometrist originally prescribed bifocals, however, I hated wearing these glasses – especially at school. Vision therapy was another option my optometrist recommended and I wanted to try it.
After completing vision therapy, I no longer suffer from double vision when my eyes are fatigued. My reading has become more fluid and smoother, and I do not get nearly as frustrated when I am reading. I am happy with my new glasses. My comprehension has significantly improved, and I can read for longer periods of time. When playing baseball, I am more coordinated and I see the ball better.
Gavin’s Story
Before I started coming to West Suburban Vision Therapy, I had trouble with my coordination. I could not throw or catch a ball properly. I was tired all the time. Reading did not come easily for me and I tended to have slower reading rates when compared to my peers. Although I was diagnosed with vision problems before I started vision therapy, I did not like to wear my glasses.
After finishing my vision therapy program, reading has gotten significantly easier! I am more independent with schoolwork as I am less fatigued by school and sports. I have better awareness of my peripheral surroundings. Regarding athletics, I can catch, hit, and track balls better. I even started playing golf and enjoy playing a full course.
James’ Story
When I first started coming to West Suburban Vision Therapy, I was reading at a slow pace and had trouble comprehending the material. My mom noticed I would skip words or entire sentences and my handwriting was poor. This caused me to get frustrated when reading for school or on my own. I also had an eye-turn that affected my vision.
After completing vision therapy, so much has improved! When I read, I no longer skip words or lines. My comprehension has gotten better and I can now summarize what I read. I enjoy reading on my own and my eye-turn is no longer apparent. My handwriting has improved and I don’t complain as much when doing my homework. I have started playing hockey and football, and I got promoted to play goalie for my soccer team.
Nolan’s Story
When I first came to West Suburban Vision Therapy, I was doing well in school, but I disliked reading. My eyes would get tired after only one hour of real work, and sometimes this would lead to headaches. I had difficulty completing tasks on time and this made me frustrated. I liked to play hockey but I had poor hand-eye coordination.
Now, after completing vision therapy, I am reading for fun! My reading speed, comprehension, and duration have all increased. I no longer suffer from headaches. I have better grades in school and I finish homework faster. My parents have noticed I have an improved attention span, I feel happier, and I am more confident. I even have better hand-eye coordination when playing hockey and baseball.
Matthew’s Story
When I first started coming to West Suburban Vision Therapy, I struggled to read. I complained of double vision, headaches, light sensitivity, words would swim on the page, and I would have to re-read in order to comprehend the material. The double vision also interfered with playing sports. I would see two soccer balls or footballs, when there was only one on the field.
After vision therapy, my double vision improved significantly! I no longer see double when reading or playing sports. I also no longer get headaches, nor do I have as much light sensitivity. Reading has become an easier task, and my parents have noticed I have better organizational skills. I am able to pay attention and stay engaged for longer periods of time. I even started playing two new sports, volleyball and basketball.
Cam’s Story
Before I started vision therapy, sometimes up close I saw two of everything and it made it hard to see. Now I don’t have double vision anymore! That’s the biggest change in me since I started. Doing vision therapy (especially ball games) has also helped my hand-eye coordination, and now I’m much better at catching and throwing a ball and I like to play catch with my dad more. I also get less frustrated when I’m drawing. Before I would get mad a lot when my drawings didn’t turn out exactly like I wanted them to, but that doesn’t happen anymore. I’m less clumsy now too, and I can do a lot of cool new tricks on my bike. I also like to read a LOT. I can read really fast but I still understand everything, and I like to read for a long time at bedtime. I’m glad I did vision therapy, and I’m excited to be graduating!
Jayden’s Story
Since vision therapy Jayden is more steady on his feet, has better balance, and has improved on hand-eye coordination. He is more comfortable around new kids and tends to joke around more often. Jayden has also moved up in hockey levels and can track the puck better. Academically, reading is better and teachers do not need to place him in the front of the room anymore. Overall, he is more confident.
– Jayden’s mom
Wyatt’s Story
Before vision therapy Wyatt had trouble seeing out of one of his eyes. Now he is more willing to try new things, is better at riding his bike, reads for a longer duration and picks more challenging books.
–Wyatt’s mom
Lucca’s Story
Lucca is more confident in social settings. He is more willing to go to school, and when he returns from school he no longer has emotional breakdowns. He now has the ability to express his needs both emotional and physical. His confidence in reading has improved significantly. He just turned 8 and at his birthday party he actually read his birthday cards! Lucca, at the beginning of therapy, would cry at the thought of reading. Now Lucca shows interest in books and reads them.
– Lucca’s mom
Weston’s Story
Before vision therapy Weston disliked reading and had a tendency with skipping words. He would see a word in the middle when it did not exist and would often complain of headaches. He would also need to sit in the middle of the classroom in order to see the board. Additionally, he struggled with higher level words, omitted words during reading and was often clumsy. After completing therapy, he has shown improvement with sports, hand-eye coordination, and more confident in general. His tracking with reading has greatly improved and will even read aloud. Overall, he is less frustrated, can problem solve, has a longer fuse, and does not get as overwhelmed.
– Weston’s mom
Luz’s Story
Before I started vision therapy, I could not see far and could not focus, I experienced dizziness, and would experience headaches often when reading. After completing therapy I have better balance, my posture is better, and I am more aware of where my body is in space. Academically, school is definitely easier. I can comprehend and retain information. My handwriting has improved and it takes me less time to complete a test. Overall, I use to hate driving because I could not tell where her car was in relation to the lines on the road. Parking is much easier now and I actually enjoy to drive. Most importantly I do not get headaches anymore.
– Luz
Nora’s Story
I have grown to enjoy reading more and understand the text better. I can work more efficiently on school work, homework is less of a hassle. My grades are more manageable, and I finished my 2nd semester with a weighted GPA of a 4.3. I am way more coordinated compared to when I first started therapy. I am also completely aware of my surrounding and taking notes is much more efficient. Overall, learning is a lot easier!
– Nora
Luke’s Story
We have noticed his head up more, confidence has improved while speaking, and looking into the eyes of the person he is speaking to. His reading skills have improved, which has given him more confidence in school as well according to his teachers. Luke has always done well academically. We have seen improvements in both his math and reading skills. The overall improvements are shown in small ways: eye contact, building of Lego sets, ability to catch a ball better. He also really learned that with practice hand exercises really do become easier.
– Luke’s mom
Wyatt’s Story
Before vision therapy Wyatt had trouble seeing out of one of his eyes. Now he is more willing to try new things, is better at riding his bike, reads for a longer duration and picks more challenging books.
–Wyatt’s mom
Emily’s Story
Before vision therapy I would get headaches at least twice a week. Now, I can catch a ball better, I am less clumsy, my reading comprehension has greatly improved, and I do not get tired at the end of the day like I use to. Most importantly I do not get headaches anymore!
– Emily
Benjamin’s Story
Benjamin’s hand-eye coordination has improved. He is much more confident in reading and is now enjoying new books. Benjamin has always been a very social person but now appears less frustrated in certain school type settings. School is getting easier as the end of the year approached. His homework is taking less time. The flashcards also seem easier and he is now more confident and less stressed when doing them. The overall improvements has been great, as he got better with the vision therapy activities. He became more confident and will even say “This is easy!”
– Benjamin’s mom
Olivia’s Story
Before therapy Olivia would ride her bike and she would rotate to the right and left to maintain balance. Now Olivia came to us this spring and said “I can ride my new bike straight!” Olivia is much more willing to try new things and willing to take risks in both physical activities and socially with others. Olivia feels reading is better because she is not skipping words and the size of the print does not affect her. In math, she was not able to see the numbers in a vertical row, this has also improved. Olivia feels drawing has become easier for her. She has improved in her handwriting and it has become bigger and more legible. Olivia feels she can throw and catch the ball better than before therapy. Also, before therapy she would resist playing with others because her confidence was not there and she didn’t see things for her to be successful. Now she truly has grown so much from therapy, we are very grateful.
– Olivia’s mom
Olivia’s Story
Before I started vision therapy it was really hard to concentrate on things, I would make a lot of little mistakes because I would not pay much attention and would doze off. I would get in trouble at school because I would always have to ask other kids what we were suppose to do! I use to pick up books and have no idea what I was reading. I would lose my place and always skip so many lines down, so the story would not make much sense. I got moved down to the lower reading group. Now that I have completed vision therapy, I have moved up in reading levels. I can read much faster, and actually understand what I am reading. I do not lose my place anymore. I am scoring way better in both math and reading, and math has gotten way easier especially decimals. Besides school, I’ve noticed that I have improved in sports. I use to be scared of the ball when I would play soccer because it would feel like it came out of nowhere. Now, I am able to focus and notice the ball more! Overall, I am way more confident in my skills in school and sports.
Oliver’s Story
“Since therapy he is aware of where his body is in space, he used to bump into things, trip over things, and fell constantly. He is still silly but no longer clumsy. He is enjoying baseball more now and is able to catch the ball. He use to not want to ride a bike, but now he is more willing to try new physical activities in a more positive manner. Academically, he was always a really bright kid but we now noticed he no longer loses his place, is reading faster, and even picks up a book to read for pleasure.”
-Oliver’s mom
Alyssa’s Story
Since completing my program of care I am less clumsy, more self- confident, better aware of my surroundings, I am more coordinated and my balance is better. I am reading for a longer time, my reading speed has increased, and I understand the material a lot easier. Overall, I am less frustrated with homework and feel my family relationships are stronger.
– Alyssa
Claire’s Story
Since vision therapy Claire has improved with hand-eye coordination, she use to be clumsy, but now she is more confident in sports. She recently got all straight “A’s”, enjoys reading more, especially chapter books. Before I had to convince her to pick up a book and read. Grandpa also notices that her eye does not turn in anymore!
– Claire’s mom
Maya’s Story
When Maya first came to us she was struggling to remember letters. She often would confuse similar letters and had trouble recognizing simple sight words. Maya reported she experienced headaches and was seeing double. During therapy mom noticed changes in behavior, increased patience, less hyperactivity, and increase interest in social activities. She was also able to complete homework faster, and her grades improved. Upon completing therapy she now knows all her letters and is reading and loving it! She no longer complains of headaches.
– Maya’s mom
Lincoln’s Story
When Lincoln started our program he was bumping into things and was unaware of his space. He had poor organizational skills and poor concentration. While reading, he would rub his eyes and complain of headaches. He would also take a long time to complete his homework. Upon graduation Lincoln filled out this paperwork and checked that EVERYTHING has improved. Lincoln now enjoys subjects in school and he wants to be physically active compared to before. He has started to make more efforts in organization and appearance and now likes being on a team sport. His coordination has greatly improved causing him to have more confidence. Most of all he no longer complains of headaches and has even has started reading for pleasure.
– Lincoln’s mom
Blake’s Story
Blake’s parents reported: “When Blake first came to the office he had poor comprehension and a slow reading speed. He was a very hard worker, which was frustrating him when he could not keep up with his reading, took hours to do his homework, and started struggling with baseball.”
Blake reports after therapy: “I got better at baseball and I made the All Star team and we won our All Star tournament! I got way better at reading and doing my homework. I made honor roll three times in three trimesters.”
– Blake and his parents
Andrew’s Story
When Andrew first came to therapy he struggled with letters and numbers, he is smart but could not read. After therapy, he is reading now and knows his letters and numbers. He seems more friendly, outgoing, gained confidence and has matured. The words are not fuzzy or blurry anymore.
– Andrew’s mom
Connor’s Story
“Connor is more comfortable reading, and more careful when he does it. His MAP scores all jumped this past testing session (spring 2018). He is less reluctant to read and more comfortable volunteering to do so.”
-Connor’s mom
Natalie’s Story
“Natalie has begun to make more friendships at school, she is no longer afraid to try new things. She also is more aware of her surroundings and able to calm her body down. Natalie will now ask to read books and enjoys having alone time reading. She also volunteered to read out loud at the 1st grade program. She has moved from saying she hates school to now saying she love to learn and plays teacher. Her confidence is back. She is overall happier and no longer worries as much about everyday things.”
–Natalie’s mom
Sophia’s Story
“Sophia has become more conversational about her school work and self confident in her reading abilities. She felt confident with her reading improvements and joined the battle of the books club at school. Sophia does not get as tired or agitated when reading. She has increased her stamina.
-Sophia’s mom
Dominic’s Story
“Since vision therapy I have noticed my hand-eye coordination has improved. I am more well-rounded in general, and I am able to focus better. I also do not rely on my finger to track words when reading. I am able to comprehend material easier and copying things in school is done with much less effort than previously. One thing that has really changed is my concept of time has greatly improved. Before I could never visualize how long something would take to complete, now I can. I am also more aware of my surroundings and my spacial awareness in general is better.”
Linnea’s Story
“Linnea is more interested in fine motor hobbies like knitting and sewing. She seems slightly less defiant than she use to be. She is much more interested in independent reading, and has much greater comprehension and speed. She will actually read for pleasure now! She has fewer headaches and is definitely willing to try new things.”
-Linnea’s mom
Calvin’s Story
“I’m able to control my eye movements much better. It’s easier for me to track words when I am reading. I have also noticed that I have improved hand-eye coordination. Since completing my therapy, reading is easier for me. This has helped me overall in school. I’m more coordinated om general so that I’m better at sports and other activities.”
Leo’s Story
“Leo has shown improvement in his self-confidence and self-esteem. He has been able to focus in class and able to read faster and easier, and his grades have improved along with his test scores. More importantly, he is more engaged in classroom activities and participates more. He has been able to read without getting as tired and it is more enjoyable to read at school. Leo often use to complain of headaches or tired eyes and would ask to have his vision checked. He has not been doing this since his therapy started.”
-Leo and his mom
Emma’s Story
“Emma has shown gains in her balance, coordination, and confidence 10 weeks after starting vision therapy. Emma mastered riding a 2 wheeler bike. She also appears less clumsy and her gymnastics skills have improved. Emma is more willing to attempt novel play ground activities. She rarely complains of headaches. She willingly reads out loud during our bedtime routine. Emma is now reading at age level and has an easier time organizing math problems and improved handwriting. In general, Emma appears less impulsive and has an easier time sequencing daily tasks.”
-Emma’s mom
Charlie’s Story
“Charlie is a hockey goalie and this was brought to our attention that he could not stop close pucks. An eye exam brought us to glasses, then eventually vision therapy. He was just asked to play on a AAA team!!! He also has fewer headaches with reading, less frustration with homework overall. He is better at reading, his behavior has improved, and he is more confident.”
-Charlie’s mom
Lores’ Story
“Lores is more willing to read aloud in class now, way more confident. She is willing to try new things that require reading. Her grades have improved a lot and she seems to understand reading more. Recently on vacation she wanted a toy…. 5D and 7D games, never she would have asked for this in the past. She was able to see the game and wanted to do more.”
-Lores’ mom
Ashley’s Story
“When I initially came to the office, I was experiencing double vision, vertigo, and nystagmus (repetitive uncontrolled eye movements). However, after months of therapy I have noticed major improvements! My symptoms have considerably decreased to where I seldom notice the vision discomforts anymore. I am grateful to God and Dr. Maze for this improvement and hope towards a promising and “clear” path ahead!!!”
Anne’s Story
“She is more interested in sports and physical activities. She finishes her homework quicker and doesn’t complain of headaches while doing work, her handwriting has also improved. Anne is much happier with the way she sees things better.”
-Anne’s dad
Anand’s Story
“Anand is more confident, especially with homework and reading. He pays attention more to homework and in class. His math work has improved. He is now getting A’s and B’s, where he was getting D’s. His reading comprehension is better. Anand’s handwriting has also improved! He can read for longer periods of time without falling asleep.
-Anand’s mom
Jack’s Story
“Jack has gained a better awareness of how his actions and behaviors affect those around him. He has become more confident and sure of himself, which has made him less anxious at school and at home. He has become a better listener with his friends and better with two-sided conversations.
A much improved ability to read, focus and retain what he reads. Jack will chose to read a book now something he used to avoid at all costs. He likes going to school more and his teacher has seen improved classroom behavior and participation.
Jack’s eye-hand coordination has greatly improved. He has gained skill and confidence in throwing, catching, and hitting moving balls and basketballs. He has a much better attitude about practicing and playing sports.”
–Susan Jack’s mom
Summer and Sophia’s Story
“Vision therapy has been tremendously beneficial for both of our daughters, who are 4th graders. Both had difficulty with sustained reading and fluency. Now reading is no longer a battle, nor painfully slow. My girls are reading above grade level with good speed and fluency.
We have also seen gains in coordination and sports. One of our girls has become a strong contributor to her soccer team. Our other daughter is having a great time playing baseball.
Just as remarkable is their handwriting. The girls are frequently praised for their neat print, cursive, and figures, which they had struggled with before therapy.”
–Sophia and Summer’s mom