Changing Lives Through Vision Therapy
Find out more about the conditions we treat and the techniques we use.
Luke & Owen's Success Stories
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Can Vision Therapy Help?
Learn more about how Vision Therapy can help.
Innovative Techniques
Learn more about our Vision Therapy services.

1 on 1 Treatment in our NEW Vision Therapy Center
In 2020, we opened our state-of-the-art Visual Therapy Center. This custom-built facility delivers the best environment for these services and optimize patient progress.
Once a treatment program is prescribed, our staff of qualified therapists execute a series of targeted activities that help develop visual abilities to achieve optimal performance and comfort. These exercises help patients use their visual abilities in new or more efficient ways without surgery.
Our team is especially equipped to address children with learning or reading problems, adults suffering from screen-related eye strain, patients with developmental or head injury issues, and anyone requiring special visual therapy treatment.

Our Specialities
Autism and Developmental Delays
Convergence Insufficiency
Concussion and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
Poor Tracking Abilities
Strabismus (eye turn)
Vision and Reading
Success Stories
Meet the people we have helped…

What People Are Saying
Absolutely love the team here! I recently started my vision therapy journey. I am an adult with amblyopia. Dr. Wong listens to your concerns. She is personable, caring, and funny. Tianna is on the ball – organized and ready to get you going with your therapy. Communication is stellar. Kudos to Dr. Maze for his awesome team!
— Cynthia Hahn via Google
When Maya first came to us she was struggling to remember letters. She often would confuse similar letters and had trouble recognizing simple sight words. Maya reported she experienced headaches and was seeing double. During therapy mom noticed changes in behavior, increased patience, less hyperactivity, and increase interest in social activities. She was also able to complete homework faster, and her grades improved. Upon completing therapy she now knows all her letters and is reading and loving it! She no longer complains of headaches.
— Maya’s Mom
Dr. Maze and his team are wonderful. My 5 year old son was diagnosed as having no vision issues at Wheaton Eye Clinic. For 5 months I still wasn’t sure but trusted their opinion. I began to notice as he was beginning to learn to read and while just looking around, that his left eye would often move in other directions. I took him to Dr. Maze who found numerous vision issues with my son and he began vision therapy once a week at the clinic. We also work on vision “homework” at home. My son can be difficult to work with and the therapists are so great with him. I’m seeing so much improvement with his reading, writing and even his coordination and balance. West Suburban family vision is a great practice with smart devoted individuals who are dedicated to helping children.
— Jocelyn Crnich
Before I started vision therapy, I could not see far and could not focus, I experienced dizziness, and would experience headaches often when reading. After completing therapy I have better balance, my posture is better, and I am more aware of where my body is in space. Academically, school is definitely easier. I can comprehend and retain information. My handwriting has improved and it takes me less time to complete a test. Overall, I use to hate driving because I could not tell where her car was in relation to the lines on the road. Parking is much easier now and I actually enjoy to drive. Most importantly I do not get headaches anymore.
— Luz
Before vision therapy Wyatt had trouble seeing out of one of his eyes. Now he is more willing to try new things, is better at riding his bike, reads for a longer duration and picks more challenging books.
— Wyatt’s Mom
Since therapy he is aware of where his body is in space, he used to bump into things, trip over things, and fell constantly. He is still silly but no longer clumsy. He is enjoying baseball more now and is able to catch the ball. He use to not want to ride a bike, but now he is more willing to try new physical activities in a more positive manner. Academically, he was always a really bright kid but we now noticed he no longer loses his place, is reading faster, and even picks up a book to read for pleasure.
— Oliver’s Mom
Before vision therapy I would get headaches at least twice a week. Now, I can catch a ball better, I am less clumsy, my reading comprehension has greatly improved, and I do not get tired at the end of the day like I use to. Most importantly I do not get headaches anymore!
— Emily